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In these uncertain times, it is the facts that matter most Learn more.


COVID-19 News Coverage

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Silicon Valley companies helping Bay Area nonprofits that are on the front lines of the Coronavirus pandemic.  PRxDigital's storytellers are pleased to work with the media to share the news about these amazing Silicon Valley partnerships. Stay tuned; more good stories to come!

See what we're doing

How the PRxDigital team is handling this crisis

Here at PRxDigital, we understand the importance of coming together in times of crisis. Although the way we come together has changed we will adapt and press on. That's why, to do our part in supporting essential services and reducing the spread of COVID-19, we are continuing to do what we do best, connecting people. 


How are we doing this?

We are safely and responsibly connecting the right people to the right places. Whether that be hosting media events (observing with social distancing policies) to raise awareness and funds or connecting Silicon Valley companies to Bay Area nonprofits on the front lines of the Coronavirus pandemic, PRxDigital is committed to doing its part for our clients and the community. 

No matter what, PRxDigital is staying current and adapting to help keep our clients open and afloat. We have moved our talented team of creative and passionate individuals online to continue to serve the evolving needs of our clients and local community. PRxDigital's storytellers are honored to work with the media to share the news about these amazing Silicon Valley partnerships. 

If you need assistance with strategic communications, crisis management, PR, advertising, or digital marketing, contact us today!


To learn more about the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak please visit the CDC and World Health Organization response pages.

Check out some pictures of our team's WFH setups, quarantine coworkers & pets.



Help stop the spread

You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others by following these 5 tips recommended by the World Health Organization.

  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub

  • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze

  • Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell

  • Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell

  • Don't Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean

Working from Home?

Here are a few tips that have helped us stay motivated and productive while we working from home.


  1. Overcommunicate. If you question whether your colleague will want to know something, share it.

  2. Managers, tell your team how they can reach you. If you manage people, be clear with them about any new or different communication and productivity expectations you have now that your team is working remotely. 

  3. Tell your team when they can reach you. The more guidance and boundaries you provide, the fewer misunderstandings will occur and the more smoothly work can stay on track. 

  4. Make sure to clarify expectations for your team. Don't let people make assumptions about anything that's unclear -- answer those questions.

  5. Note your project progress. Remote workers need to be especially proactive and alert colleagues to progress on longer-term goals.

  6. Resolve issues quickly with a phone call. Email, text, IM, Slack, and other written methods of communication are prone to misunderstandings. 

  7. Promptly return emails, calls, and voice mails. If a teammate is being too pushy when it comes to replies, have a direct conversation about expectations and timelines.

  8.  Keep up more casual communication habits. Even when at home, you should confirm receipt of messages and check in with people when you start your day and end your day. 

  9. Create a system for sharing documents. If you don't already, now would be a good time to consider Google Docs, Box, or Dropbox to share files. Don't scatter team files across email, Google Docs, and your personal hard drive. Consolidate.

Self Care

  1. Cut yourself some slack. Any transition takes time to get used to, so try to be easy on yourself.

  2.  Take scheduled breaks. Try setting an alarm to get up and stretch every hour or so.

  3. Protect your time.  Set "in office" hours and communicate these with both colleagues and family.

  4. Protect your workspace. Assume that anything that can interrupt you will interrupt you -- like a UPS delivery during a critical negotiation call or a dog barking in the background of a client video chat.

  5. Turn on a white noise machine or app. This really helps to reduce noise distractions around your work area.

  6. Pay attention to ergonomics. Use the most comfortable chair you can with back support. 

Our partners doing their part

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Our main office is closed until further notice due to current social distancing policies. However, our team is still hard at work serving our clients and our local community.

Main Office

991 W. Hedding Street, Suite #201

San Jose, CA 95126



T 408.287.1700

F 408.556.1487

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